Principal District and Sessions Judge

Born on 04.03.1977. Did Graduation in Commerce (B.Com) in 1998 from Gauhati Commerce College, Gauhati University. DCA in the year 1998 from NEETEC. Obtained LLB in the year 2002 from Campus Law Centre, Delhi University. LLM in the year 2021 Distant Education from Global Open University. Enrolled as an Advocate in the Bar Council of Delhi, Delhi High Court in the year 2002. Practiced in MACT and on Civil Side at District Courts at Delhi and at Delhi High Court. Joined Dimapur Bar in the year 2005 and also served as Asst. Professor (Part time) at City Law College, Dimapur from 2006-2016. Served as Vice President of Dimapur Bar Association and Vice President of Nagaland Judges Association. Joined as Grade-I Officer (Direct Entry) Nagaland Judicial Service in the year 2016. Served as District and Sessions Judge Phek from 2016-2019. Served as Member Secretary NSLSA from 2019-2021. Served as a Principal District and Sessions Judge, Tuensang from 2021 to 2024. Currently serving as a Principal District and Sessions Judge, Dimapur from 08-10-2024.
Retirement: 4th March, 2037.